Processing information like a computer. A reliable process for understanding problems and crafting solutions.

  • Understand problems and formulate solutions using logic.

  • Breaking down a task into clear, step-by-step instructions or rules that a computer can follow to solve a problem. It's like creating a recipe or a set of directions for solving a problem or completing a task.

  • Breaking down a big problem or task into smaller, more manageable parts or steps. It's like taking a complex problem and splitting it into simpler pieces to solve them one by one.

  • Identifying similarities or repeating structures in data, information, or problems. It's like noticing familiar shapes, sequences, or behaviors that help us understand and solve problems more easily.

  • Focusing on the important details of a problem while ignoring irrelevant information. It's like looking at the big picture without getting caught up in every little detail.

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.